Associate Membership
We need your help.
NASASP is looking for organizations that would like to support us and our goals of strengthening and growing the Federal Surplus Property Donation Program for the benefit of the United States Taxpayers. For a small annual fee of $39, you can become an active participant in these goals. Associate Members are typically organizations that participate in the Federal Surplus Property Program.
The $39 annual fee supports NASASP's efforts to protect, promote, and enhance the Federal Surplus Property Program. NASASP uses your support to speak with one voice to the federal government and other national associations with similar goals. NASASP strongly believes in forming partnerships, and there is truly strength in numbers when it comes to dealing with our federal government.
NASASP works to return the maximum amount of property to the United States taxpayers who originally paid for it. The Federal Surplus Property Program helps participating organizations stretch their budget dollars, as well as maximizing the use of these items that might otherwise end up in a landfill. Reuse is Recycling!
Your membership helps NASASP to fight government abuse and misuse of federal assets purchased with your tax dollars. It assists us and our member states, U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia to acquire excess and surplus federal assets all around the world and bring them to your local community. To the approximately 67,000 public agencies, non-profit health and educational institutions, veterans service organizations, and small businesses represented by NASASP, we promise to use this support to improve the Federal Surplus Property Donation Program. Thank you for your support of this important program.
Annual Associate Membership Dues $39.00
There are several benefits that you will receive as an Associate Member, they include:
NASASP is looking for organizations that would like to support us and our goals of strengthening and growing the Federal Surplus Property Donation Program for the benefit of the United States Taxpayers. For a small annual fee of $39, you can become an active participant in these goals. Associate Members are typically organizations that participate in the Federal Surplus Property Program.
The $39 annual fee supports NASASP's efforts to protect, promote, and enhance the Federal Surplus Property Program. NASASP uses your support to speak with one voice to the federal government and other national associations with similar goals. NASASP strongly believes in forming partnerships, and there is truly strength in numbers when it comes to dealing with our federal government.
NASASP works to return the maximum amount of property to the United States taxpayers who originally paid for it. The Federal Surplus Property Program helps participating organizations stretch their budget dollars, as well as maximizing the use of these items that might otherwise end up in a landfill. Reuse is Recycling!
Your membership helps NASASP to fight government abuse and misuse of federal assets purchased with your tax dollars. It assists us and our member states, U.S. Territories, and the District of Columbia to acquire excess and surplus federal assets all around the world and bring them to your local community. To the approximately 67,000 public agencies, non-profit health and educational institutions, veterans service organizations, and small businesses represented by NASASP, we promise to use this support to improve the Federal Surplus Property Donation Program. Thank you for your support of this important program.
Annual Associate Membership Dues $39.00
There are several benefits that you will receive as an Associate Member, they include:
- A certificate denoting your membership
- Periodic NASASP eNewsletters, as well as other timely updates on current issues
- An invitation to attend, as a nonvoting member, all national meetings of NASASP
- Being more involved in the formation stream of the Federal Surplus Property Donation Program as indicated above allowing you and your organization to make better, money-saving procurement choices